Save the Date: The OLF Annual Christmas Market is Coming to town November 29th!
Our Annual Christmas Market is coming to town on November 29th,
Our Annual Christmas Market is coming to town on November 29th,
Safety is our top priority at our school, and it starts in the parking lot. We are committed to ensuring that everyone feels safe and welcome, which is why we emphasize parking lot safety and make our rules clear to the entire school community. We greatly appreciate the guidance, cooperation, and support of our parent community in maintaining a safe environment. As a reminder, please ... Continue reading "Parking Lot Safety"
We are pleased to provide you with achievement highlights of our school’s results on the provincial EQAO Test taken last spring. We will be reviewing our detailed EQAO results along with other school assessment data to build on our strengths and address areas requiring improvement. Students who participated in the assessment received their individual results in October. For more information on this and other province-wide ... Continue reading "EQAO"
Hi OLF families,
Hot Lunch officially began today. Thank you again for everyone’s participation. Please note, that there were two errors on the school day order forms.
California Sandwiches: Billed for 2 days only, although 3 days were on the calendar
Pizza Nova: Billed for one additional week
To correct this issue, the Hot Lunch Committee is ... Continue reading "Hot Lunch Update"